DPSC Major Gifts
Lead your diocese and parish with a major gift to the 2025 DPSC!

The Victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Society is a major giving society to honor people who are extraordinary supporters of the Diocesan/Parish Share Campaign. Membership is granted on annual basis to parishioners who contribute $500 or more to the DPSC. The Victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Society has several recognition levels called “chapters” which Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton has chosen to name after the most exalted choirs of Angels:

  • $10,000 - Seraphim Chapter
  • $5,000 - Cherubim Chapter
  • $2,500 - Thrones Chapter
  • $1,000 - Dominions Chapter
  • $500 - Virtues & Powers Chapter

As with all gifts to the DPSC, your gift will be attributed toward the parish you name. Once the parish reaches its goal, 100% of proceeds over the goal is sent to the parish to support its programs and needs. Your gift enables your diocese and your parish to: educate our seminarians (your future priests); care for retired priests; provide a voice for news, evangelization and Church teaching (especially through the Steubenville Register); train religious educators; feed families in need; promote the sanctity of life; and much more! None of this could happen without you. Thank you for supporting your parish and your Church, and may God bless you for your generosity!

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If you are setting up a recurring donation (for example, monthly for 6 months), you MUST divide your total gift by the number of payments you are making. The green donate button (below) shows the amount of each payment that will be processed.


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